In a compelling turn of events, a Nigerian soldier stationed in Maiduguri, Borno State, found himself in the crosshairs after revealing his monthly pay of N50,000. The soldier’s plight unfolded in a viral video where he expressed frustration about the challenges posed by his meager salary.
Having spent a year in the Borno bush, the soldier was granted a pass to visit his family, only to face an insurmountable hurdle – the prohibitive transport fare. In the video, he disclosed that the fare to his town was N35,000, making the round trip cost a staggering N70,000, a sum well beyond his monthly earnings.
Recent reports from Sahara Reporters indicate that the soldier has been confined to the ‘guardroom’ by army authorities, deeming the video embarrassing. This development sheds light on the challenges faced by military personnel dealing with financial constraints.
The revelation of soldiers earning less than N50,000 per month has sparked public outcry, prompting the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, to address the issue. General Musa acknowledged the financial struggles faced by soldiers and military officers, emphasizing that Generals and soldiers on operations receive a mere N1,200 for daily feeding.
In a candid interview, the CDS highlighted the need to remunerate soldiers and military officers adequately to motivate them to excel in their duties. The soldier’s detention serves as a stark reminder of the financial disparities within the military and raises questions about the fair compensation of those who dedicate their lives to serving the nation.