There was a mild drama in Ekiti on Monday, February 25, as Ikere Local government Chairman, Ayodele Oluwafemi led the environmental health officers arrest at least ten pigs to make the town clean.
The pigs were caught roaming around the streets by environmental health officers instead of being caged by their owners.
After being arrested, the pigs were detained in the designated area within the local government.
Meanwhile, the Council Chairman had issued a statement prior to the incident that the residents of the town need to monitor their pigs and put them in a cage so as to avoid public disturbance and accident.
Ikere Ekiti is a place where the rearing of pigs serves as commercial business which causes pollution and the public disturbance in the area.
The pigs are mostly common in Atiba, Ugele, Ijoka, Isao, Igbalaye, Okekere market area, Igbo Olosunta, Ogbogbeyin and some parts areas of the town.