Court Remands Skit Maker ‘Trinity Guy’ and Victim’s Parents for Indecent Prank with Young Girl

The skit maker, Maruf Abdullahi, also known as “Trinity”, has been remanded in Agodi correctional facility by a Family Court sitting at Iyaganku, Ibadan on Monday.

He was charged with two counts of s €xual abuse and exploitation of a 10-year-old girl in Ibadan, who is the daughter of his co-defendants, Isiaka Ahmed and Rofiat Ahmed.

According to the prosecution, Abdullahi recorded a video of himself asking the girl inappropriate questions about his penis and posted it online. He claimed that he had the consent of the girl’s parents, who are also his friends, to shoot the skit.

However, the court did not take their plea and ordered them to be remanded until July 11 when the case will come up for mention. The court also said that the case file had been filed and duplicated at the Oyo State Ministry of Justice.

The defence counsel argued that the court had the power to hear the matter and that the girl was a product of poverty. The magistrate said that she could only hear the matter if the Ministry of Justice agreed to withdraw it.

The offence of s €xual abuse and exploitation of a child carries a maximum penalty of 15 years imprisonment under the Oyo State Child Rights Law, 2006.

The case has generated widespread condemnation and sympathy for the girl, who is now in the custody of the Oyo State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Inclusion.

Many Nigerians have expressed their disgust and anger at the skit maker and the couple for violating the dignity and rights of the girl. They have also called for their prosecution and conviction to serve as a deterrent to others.

Some have also questioned the role of social media platforms in enabling such acts of abuse and exploitation. They have urged the authorities to regulate and monitor online content that may harm children or expose them to predators.

The case also highlights the need for more awareness and action to protect children from s €xual violence in Nigeria.

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