In the ongoing Big Brother Naija ‘Lockdown’ reality show, BBNaija housemates, Trikytee, Lucy, Laycon, Nengi, Kiddwaya and Vee have been put up for possible eviction by other housemates.
The organizers of the show had announced last week that they have decided to go back to the previous way of nominating housemates who would be up for eviction.
Following the development, after the Arena games on Monday, the housemates were called individually into the diary room to nominate the housemate they want up for possible eviction.
However, after the nominations, Laycon, Trikytee, Lucy, Kiddwaya, Vee and Nengi got the highest nominations.
This is how the housemates voted.
Lucy nominated Nengi and Trikytee
Kiddwaya nominated Trikytee and Lucy
Dorathy nominated Laycon and Vee
Laycon nominated Lucy and Trikytee
Trikytee nominated Lucy and Laycon
Vee nominated Trikytee and Dorathy
Nengi nominated Lucy and Laycon
Ozo nominated Kiddwaya and Lucy
Neo nominated Kiddwaya and Lucy
Erica nominated Vee and Laycon
Prince nominated Nengi and Ozo
NEWS: BBNaija Lockdown: Erica emerges ‘head of house’ for second term, picks Prince as deputy
Lucy – 6
Trikytee – 4
Laycon – 4
Vee – 2
Nengi – 2
Kiddwaya – 2
Dorathy – 1
Ozo – 1
Neo – 0