71-year-old man dies in hotel during s£x with a 22-year-old girl

A 71-year-old man collapsed and died during a steamy session with a 22-year-old woman at a lodging in parklands, Nairobi, Kenya.
The deceased is said to have checked into the room with the young lady at 4 pm.
Two hours later, the deceased started gasping for air as he complained of chest and back pains.
Within seconds, his hands and legs went numb, prompting the woman to call for help from a taxi driver who was standing at the gate of the building.
Hurriedly, the two rushed the deceased to the Agha Khan hospital using his car. However, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The body of the deceased was moved to a nearby morgue pending an autopsy.
The latest comes barely months after a 62-year-old man died in a lodging in Runyenjes town, Embu east.
In the incident, the man is said to have entered the castle bar and restaurant accompanied by a lady only for his lifeless body to be discovered later n the evening.
Prior to his death, the man had ordered some drinks from the bar and carried them to his room.
However, in an hour’s time, the lady is said to have walked out of the room to an unknown destination.
The man’s body was discovered sprawled on a bed after what is suspected to be a result of one hour’s action, packed with the woman.
He had his clothes intact while lying lifeless on the bed. The room had the door locked from the inside.
“We received information from village castle bar and restaurant that one man had booked a lodge at the facility around 1300hrs in the night in the company of an unidentified woman and today as they were doing cleaning, they found the room locked from inside and the body of the man was lying lifeless on the bed,” Embu East Sub-county deputy police commander Monica Mwarania said.